Dimension and Measures
- Using Liquid Split and Array Filters to Format Lists
- Using Liquid Variables in Aggregate Measures
- Week Ending Vs. Week Beginning
- Why Are My Fields with Division Showing Up as 0?
- Error: Non-Unique value/primary key Error
- Variable Reference Lines for Charts
- A Simple Explanation of Symmetric Aggregates or 'Why On Earth Does My SQL Look Like That?'
- Bucketing in Looker
- Linking to Dashboards in Drill Menus (3.40+)
- When is it OK to Use Measure type: number?
- Transpose Table (Display Measures as Rows)
- 4-4-5 Calendar Using LookML
- Dynamic Rankings (Filtering Dimensions by Custom Rank)
- Dynamic Timeframes for Dimension Groups with Parameters
- Interesting Ways to Use Liquid in Labels
- Using User Attributes for Dynamic Schema and Table Name Injection
- Easy Date Formatting with Liquid
- How to Reference Views and Fields in LookML
- The Difference Between count and count_distinct Measure Types
- sql_distinct_key in Symmetric Aggregates
- Conditional Formatting Using value_format
- Conditional Logic in Looker: Using CASE WHEN
- Linking to URLs in Drill Menus
- Week-to-Date (WTD) Comparison
- Displaying Values From Other Fields in the Tooltip
- Using date_start and date_end with Date Filters
- More powerful data drilling
- Max or Min Date Measure
- Dimensionalize a Measure: Cohort Tiers on a Count