View the original community article here
Last tested: Sep 27, 2019
You can do this by using the `conditionally_filter' LookML parameter .
This would be an explore level parameter (you would put it in the model file, in the definition for a given explore, and it would apply to that explore and all tiles or looks that use that explore as a base). Syntax looks like:
# this is the explore the
# conditional_filter param applies to
explore: explore_name {
# declare a conditional filter
conditionally_filter: {
# you can specify multiple filters, by adding new filters:{} blocks
filters: {
# the field to conditionally filter on
field: field_name
# the default value to filter for
value: "Looker filter expression"
# unless holds a comma delimited lis
# of fields (dimensions or measures)
# that a user can filter on to avoid
# the conditional filter.
unless: [field_name, field_name, …]
One important note is that this filter will apply even on dashboard tiles and Looks, however the end user will not see the filter generated by the conditional filter in the filter drop-down.
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