You can customize Looker to remove references to Looker and blend the look and feel of Looker with your branding.
This topic explains how to enable whitelabeling and how to use the following sections on the Whitelabel admin page:
- Documentation Links
- Email Subscription Options
- Help Menu
- Custom Favicon
- Custom Logo
- Custom Document Title
- Looker Mentions in Scheduled Emails
- Custom Welcome Email Advanced Settings
- Looker Mentions in Account Setup
- Looker Logo in Alerts
- Looker Links in Alerts
- Looker Mentions in Folders Pages
Additional optional Whitelabel features, downloading PDFs without logo, and embedding without logo are also discussed.
Enabling Whitelabel
Looker must enable the Whitelabel option for your instance. Contact your Looker account manager for pricing and additional information.
Whitelabel Admin page
In the Looker Admin panel, the Whitelabel page lets you load custom logos and customize how certain links to Looker are shown or hidden.
Documentation Links
Documentation Links lets you show or hide the following links to Looker’s documentation:
The Docs and User Guide options in the Help menu:
The Help link in the Custom Filters panel:
The question mark icon in the matches (advanced) option in the Filters panel:
The question mark icon next to the custom format field in the Series tab of a table visualization:
Email Subscription Options
Typically, there is a link on the Account page where a user can manage their email subscriptions. Your selection in Email Subscription Options determines whether or not that link is shown on the Account page.
Help Menu
The Help Menu setting lets you show or hide the Help menu on the main menu bar:
Custom Favicon
Toggle this switch on to upload a custom favicon. Looker displays the favicon in browser tabs and windows:
After you toggle the switch on, Looker displays buttons to let you choose your favicon file and upload it. The favicon must be in ICO, PNG, or GIF file format, and must be one of the following sizes:
- 16 x 16 pixels
- 32 x 32 pixels
- 48 x 48 pixels
- 64 x 64 pixels
Custom Logo
Toggle this switch on to upload a custom logo.
Looker displays two versions of the logo. The first is small, rendered at 100 by 40 pixels, in the menu bar:
The second is large, rendered at 210 by 90 pixels, that appears on various pages in the product, including:
- User login
- Password reset
- User account setup
- Email unsubscribe
- Download a dashboard as a PDF
After you toggle the switch on, Looker displays buttons to let you choose and upload your file icon. The logo must be in ICO, PNG, or GIF file format, and 500 KB or smaller.
Custom Document Title
Toggle this switch on to enter a custom document title. Looker displays the document title in the browser tabs and windows:
The document title usually shows a user’s location within the Looker application, but Looker will display the custom document title when there is not an available specific document title.
Looker Mentions in Scheduled Emails
By default, deliveries of Looks, dashboards, legacy dashboards, and LookML dashboards to email include a link that reads View this data in Looker:
This link lets the email recipients connect to your Looker instance and further explore the data delivered in the email. Turning off the Looker Mentions in Scheduled Emails switch removes the reference to Looker:
If you would like to remove the link altogether, see the Emailed Data Policy options on the Scheduled Emails page in the Admin panel.
Custom Welcome Email Advanced Settings
If you have enabled custom welcome emails, you can edit the body text of the emails that new Looker users will receive when they are added to your instance. By default, Looker welcome emails include the subject line “Welcome to Looker” and header text that reads “You’ve been invited to join Looker!”
If you enable the Custom Welcome Email Advanced Settings option, you can also edit the subject line and header text in welcome emails:
The header text supports HTML for adding formatting and links just as the body text does.
In addition, when you enable this option, the Activate Your Account button that is included in welcome emails is colored gray instead of purple.
Looker Mentions in Account Setup
By default, new users activating their Looker account with email and password authentication will see references to Looker in the welcome message on the account setup page:
They will also see “Welcome to Looker” in the browser tab:
To remove the reference to Looker in the welcome message and browser tab, switch on the Looker Mentions in Account Setup option. When this is enabled, the new user will only see “Welcome” on the page:
The user will also only see “Welcome” on the browser tab:
If Custom Logo is also enabled, the Looker logo will be replaced with the specified logo image file. With both features enabled, a new user will see the following on the account setup page:
If Custom Favicon is also enabled, the Looker logo will be replaced with the specified icon image file on the account setup page browser tab:
Looker Logo in Alerts
By default, alert notification emails include the Looker logo:
To remove the Looker logo from alert notification emails, switch on Looker Logo in Alerts. Recipients will then see whitespace instead of the Looker logo:
Use Looker Logo in Alerts together with Looker Links in Alerts to further customize the appearance of alert notification emails.
Looker Links in Alerts
By default, alert notification emails include the following links:
- A purple Go to Content button that links back to the Looker content on which the alert is set.
- An Unfollow this alert link that removes the recipient from the alert subscription.
- An Edit this alert link that links back to the Looker content on which the alert is set.
The Looker Links in Alerts feature lets you remove the links above. To remove links back to Looker in alert notification emails, switch on Looker Links in Alerts. The purple Go to Content button will no longer appear, and the bottom two links will be replaced with instructions for navigating to the content in Looker to modify or disable the alert:
When Looker Links in Alerts is enabled along with Looker Logo in Alerts, recipients will only see the alert information and instructions to navigate to the content in Looker to modify or disable the alert:
Looker Mentions in Folders Pages
By default, a user sees the following message when there is no content saved in their personal folder:
To remove the reference to Looker, switch on Looker Mentions in Folders Pages. When this is enabled, users will only see “Welcome” in their empty personal folder:
Additional Optional Whitelabel Features
There are two additional whitelabel features that allow you to further customize PDF downloads and embedded content. Looker must enable these features for your instance. Contact your Looker account manager for pricing and additional information.
Download PDFs Without Logo
When enabled for your instance, references to Looker are removed from the footer on generated PDFs:
When not enabled, the PDF footer appears as usual with the text Generated by Looker on <TIMESTAMP>
Embed Without Logo
When enabled for your instance, references to Looker are removed from embedded content iFrame footers:
When not enabled, Powered by Looker appears as usual in iFrame footers:
For more embedded content customization options, see the Remove Look Navigation feature on the Embed page in the Admin panel.