View the original community article here
Last Tested: March 15, 2021
In the explore and drill menus, Looker chooses a default field to sort on:
The first date dimension, descending. If no date dimension exists...
The first measure, descending. If no measure exists...
The first added dimension (ascending)
As of Looker 4.10, these defaults cannot be edited for either the explore or drill menu.
There is a feature request at
If you're interested in a workaround, see an example using the liquid link variable below:
measure: returned_count {
type: count_distinct
sql: ${id} ;;
filters: {
field: is_returned
value: "yes"
drill_fields: [detail*]
link: {label: "Explore Top 20 Results" url: "{{ returned_count._link}}&sorts=order_items.sale_price+desc&limit=20" } }
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