Get All Homepage Items
Implementation Notes
Get information about all homepage items.
Response Class
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
fields | false | Requested fields. | string | string |
sorts | false | Fields to sort by. | string | string |
homepage_section_id | false | Filter to a specific homepage section | string | string |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Create Homepage Item
Implementation Notes
Create a new homepage item.
Response Class
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
body | true | Homepage Item | body |
HomepageItem {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object, content_created_by (string, read-only): Name of user who created the content this item is based on, content_favorite_id (long, read-only): Content favorite id associated with the item this content is based on, content_metadata_id (long, read-only): Content metadata id associated with the item this content is based on, content_updated_at (string, read-only): Last time the content that this item is based on was updated, custom_description (string): Custom description entered by the user, if present, custom_image_data_base64 (string): (Write-Only) base64 encoded image data, custom_image_url (string, read-only): Custom image_url entered by the user, if present, custom_title (string): Custom title entered by the user, if present, custom_url (string): Custom url entered by the user, if present, dashboard_id (long): Dashboard to base this item on, description (string, read-only): The actual description for display, favorite_count (long, read-only): Number of times content has been favorited, if present, homepage_section_id (long): Associated Homepage Section, id (long, read-only): Unique Id, image_url (string, read-only): The actual image_url for display, location (string, read-only): The container folder name of the content, look_id (long): Look to base this item on, lookml_dashboard_id (string): LookML Dashboard to base this item on, order (long): An arbitrary integer representing the sort order within the section, section_fetch_time (float, read-only): Number of seconds it took to fetch the section this item is in, title (string, read-only): The actual title for display, url (string, read-only): The actual url for display, use_custom_description (boolean): Whether the custom description should be used instead of the content description, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_image (boolean): Whether the custom image should be used instead of the content image, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_title (boolean): Whether the custom title should be used instead of the content title, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_url (boolean): Whether the custom url should be used instead of the content url, if the item is associated with content, view_count (long, read-only): Number of times content has been viewed, if present }
fields | false | Requested fields. | string | string |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
409 | Resource Already Exists |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
422 | Validation Error |
ValidationError {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, errors (Array[ValidationErrorDetail], read-only): Error detail array, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }ValidationErrorDetail { field (string, read-only): Field with error, code (string, read-only): Error code, message (string, read-only): Error info message, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
429 | Too Many Requests |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Get Homepage Item
Implementation Notes
Get information about a homepage item.
Response Class
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
homepage_item_id | true | Id of homepage item | integer | int64 |
fields | false | Requested fields. | string | string |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Update Homepage Item
Implementation Notes
Update a homepage item definition.
Response Class
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
homepage_item_id | true | Id of homepage item | integer | int64 |
body | true | Homepage Item | body |
HomepageItem {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object, content_created_by (string, read-only): Name of user who created the content this item is based on, content_favorite_id (long, read-only): Content favorite id associated with the item this content is based on, content_metadata_id (long, read-only): Content metadata id associated with the item this content is based on, content_updated_at (string, read-only): Last time the content that this item is based on was updated, custom_description (string): Custom description entered by the user, if present, custom_image_data_base64 (string): (Write-Only) base64 encoded image data, custom_image_url (string, read-only): Custom image_url entered by the user, if present, custom_title (string): Custom title entered by the user, if present, custom_url (string): Custom url entered by the user, if present, dashboard_id (long): Dashboard to base this item on, description (string, read-only): The actual description for display, favorite_count (long, read-only): Number of times content has been favorited, if present, homepage_section_id (long): Associated Homepage Section, id (long, read-only): Unique Id, image_url (string, read-only): The actual image_url for display, location (string, read-only): The container folder name of the content, look_id (long): Look to base this item on, lookml_dashboard_id (string): LookML Dashboard to base this item on, order (long): An arbitrary integer representing the sort order within the section, section_fetch_time (float, read-only): Number of seconds it took to fetch the section this item is in, title (string, read-only): The actual title for display, url (string, read-only): The actual url for display, use_custom_description (boolean): Whether the custom description should be used instead of the content description, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_image (boolean): Whether the custom image should be used instead of the content image, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_title (boolean): Whether the custom title should be used instead of the content title, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_url (boolean): Whether the custom url should be used instead of the content url, if the item is associated with content, view_count (long, read-only): Number of times content has been viewed, if present }
fields | false | Requested fields. | string | string |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
422 | Validation Error |
ValidationError {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, errors (Array[ValidationErrorDetail], read-only): Error detail array, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }ValidationErrorDetail { field (string, read-only): Field with error, code (string, read-only): Error code, message (string, read-only): Error info message, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
429 | Too Many Requests |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Delete Homepage Item
Implementation Notes
Delete a homepage item.
Response Class
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
homepage_item_id | true | Id of homepage item | integer | int64 |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
429 | Too Many Requests |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
204 | Successfully deleted. | string |
Get All Homepage sections
Implementation Notes
Get information about all homepage sections.
Response Class
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
fields | false | Requested fields. | string | string |
sorts | false | Fields to sort by. | string | string |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Create Homepage section
Implementation Notes
Create a new homepage section.
Response Class
HomepageItem {
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
body | true | Homepage section | body |
HomepageSection {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object, created_at (date-time, read-only): Time at which this section was created., deleted_at (date-time): Time at which this section was deleted., detail_url (string, read-only): A URL pointing to a page showing further information about the content in the section., homepage_id (long): Id reference to parent homepage, homepage_items (Array[HomepageItem], read-only): Items in the homepage section, id (long, read-only): Unique Id, is_header (boolean, read-only): Is this a header section (has no items), item_order (Array[long]): ids of the homepage items in the order they should be displayed, title (string): Name of row, updated_at (date-time, read-only): Time at which this section was last updated. }HomepageItem { can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object, content_created_by (string, read-only): Name of user who created the content this item is based on, content_favorite_id (long, read-only): Content favorite id associated with the item this content is based on, content_metadata_id (long, read-only): Content metadata id associated with the item this content is based on, content_updated_at (string, read-only): Last time the content that this item is based on was updated, custom_description (string): Custom description entered by the user, if present, custom_image_data_base64 (string): (Write-Only) base64 encoded image data, custom_image_url (string, read-only): Custom image_url entered by the user, if present, custom_title (string): Custom title entered by the user, if present, custom_url (string): Custom url entered by the user, if present, dashboard_id (long): Dashboard to base this item on, description (string, read-only): The actual description for display, favorite_count (long, read-only): Number of times content has been favorited, if present, homepage_section_id (long): Associated Homepage Section, id (long, read-only): Unique Id, image_url (string, read-only): The actual image_url for display, location (string, read-only): The container folder name of the content, look_id (long): Look to base this item on, lookml_dashboard_id (string): LookML Dashboard to base this item on, order (long): An arbitrary integer representing the sort order within the section, section_fetch_time (float, read-only): Number of seconds it took to fetch the section this item is in, title (string, read-only): The actual title for display, url (string, read-only): The actual url for display, use_custom_description (boolean): Whether the custom description should be used instead of the content description, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_image (boolean): Whether the custom image should be used instead of the content image, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_title (boolean): Whether the custom title should be used instead of the content title, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_url (boolean): Whether the custom url should be used instead of the content url, if the item is associated with content, view_count (long, read-only): Number of times content has been viewed, if present }
fields | false | Requested fields. | string | string |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
409 | Resource Already Exists |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
422 | Validation Error |
ValidationError {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, errors (Array[ValidationErrorDetail], read-only): Error detail array, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }ValidationErrorDetail { field (string, read-only): Field with error, code (string, read-only): Error code, message (string, read-only): Error info message, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
429 | Too Many Requests |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Get Homepage section
Implementation Notes
Get information about a homepage section.
Response Class
HomepageItem {
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
homepage_section_id | true | Id of homepage section | integer | int64 |
fields | false | Requested fields. | string | string |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Update Homepage section
Implementation Notes
Update a homepage section definition.
Response Class
HomepageItem {
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
homepage_section_id | true | Id of homepage section | integer | int64 |
body | true | Homepage section | body |
HomepageSection {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object, created_at (date-time, read-only): Time at which this section was created., deleted_at (date-time): Time at which this section was deleted., detail_url (string, read-only): A URL pointing to a page showing further information about the content in the section., homepage_id (long): Id reference to parent homepage, homepage_items (Array[HomepageItem], read-only): Items in the homepage section, id (long, read-only): Unique Id, is_header (boolean, read-only): Is this a header section (has no items), item_order (Array[long]): ids of the homepage items in the order they should be displayed, title (string): Name of row, updated_at (date-time, read-only): Time at which this section was last updated. }HomepageItem { can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object, content_created_by (string, read-only): Name of user who created the content this item is based on, content_favorite_id (long, read-only): Content favorite id associated with the item this content is based on, content_metadata_id (long, read-only): Content metadata id associated with the item this content is based on, content_updated_at (string, read-only): Last time the content that this item is based on was updated, custom_description (string): Custom description entered by the user, if present, custom_image_data_base64 (string): (Write-Only) base64 encoded image data, custom_image_url (string, read-only): Custom image_url entered by the user, if present, custom_title (string): Custom title entered by the user, if present, custom_url (string): Custom url entered by the user, if present, dashboard_id (long): Dashboard to base this item on, description (string, read-only): The actual description for display, favorite_count (long, read-only): Number of times content has been favorited, if present, homepage_section_id (long): Associated Homepage Section, id (long, read-only): Unique Id, image_url (string, read-only): The actual image_url for display, location (string, read-only): The container folder name of the content, look_id (long): Look to base this item on, lookml_dashboard_id (string): LookML Dashboard to base this item on, order (long): An arbitrary integer representing the sort order within the section, section_fetch_time (float, read-only): Number of seconds it took to fetch the section this item is in, title (string, read-only): The actual title for display, url (string, read-only): The actual url for display, use_custom_description (boolean): Whether the custom description should be used instead of the content description, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_image (boolean): Whether the custom image should be used instead of the content image, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_title (boolean): Whether the custom title should be used instead of the content title, if the item is associated with content, use_custom_url (boolean): Whether the custom url should be used instead of the content url, if the item is associated with content, view_count (long, read-only): Number of times content has been viewed, if present }
fields | false | Requested fields. | string | string |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
422 | Validation Error |
ValidationError {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, errors (Array[ValidationErrorDetail], read-only): Error detail array, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }ValidationErrorDetail { field (string, read-only): Field with error, code (string, read-only): Error code, message (string, read-only): Error info message, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
429 | Too Many Requests |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Delete Homepage section
Implementation Notes
Delete a homepage section.
Response Class
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
homepage_section_id | true | Id of homepage section | integer | int64 |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
429 | Too Many Requests |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
204 | Successfully deleted. | string |