Elite System Activity is an optional feature. Contact your Looker account manager if you’d like to use the Elite System Activity feature.
Elite System Activity includes an analytical store for System Activity data that provides the following benefits:
- System Activity Explores and dashboards remain the same, so the process of viewing System Activity data is no different.
- More System Activity data can be stored. System Activity data can be retained for up to 1 year.
- System Activity queries are offloaded from the Looker instance, which improves System Activity query performance and may improve Looker’s performance. It also removes the concurrent query limit on System Activity Explores and dashboards, and removes the forced 12-hour caching policy for System Activity Explores and dashboards. With Elite System Activity, most System Activity tables refresh every 10 minutes (although some less frequently updated tables can take up to 24 hours to refresh).
This data can be useful for supplementing monitoring and auditing activities, but is not intended to replace your current compliance strategy.
The Elite System Activity feature must be enabled and configured by Looker. To enable this feature, contact your account manager or open a support request in Looker’s Help Center by clicking Contact Us.
When Elite System Activity is enabled, System Activity dashboards and Explores will query the analytical store, but legacy
Explores will not. If Elite System Activity is enabled, Looker recommends you update any saved Looks or dashboards that queryi__looker
and cause them to query System Activity instead.