You can also view Looker’s interactive API documentation on the Looker Developer Portal or by using the API Explorer extension.
Get Session beta
Implementation Notes
Get API Session.
Returns information about the current API session, such as which workspace is selected for the session.
Response Class
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Update Session beta
Implementation Notes
Update API Session.
API Session Workspace
You can use this endpoint to change the active workspace for the current API session.
Only one workspace can be active in a session. The active workspace can be changed any number of times in a session.
The default workspace for API sessions is the “production” workspace.
All Looker APIs that use projects or lookml models (such as running queries) will use the version of project and model files defined by this workspace for the lifetime of the current API session or until the session workspace is changed again.
An API session has the same lifetime as the access_token used to authenticate API requests. Each successful API login generates a new access_token and a new API session.
If your Looker API client application needs to work in a dev workspace across multiple API sessions, be sure to select the dev workspace after each login.
Response Class
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
body | true | Session | body |
ApiSession {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object, workspace_id (string): The id of active workspace for this session, sudo_user_id (string, read-only): The id of the actual user in the case when this session represents one user sudo'ing as another }
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
422 | Validation Error |
ValidationError {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, errors (Array[ValidationErrorDetail], read-only): Error detail array, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }ValidationErrorDetail { field (string, read-only): Field with error, code (string, read-only): Error code, message (string, read-only): Error info message, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
429 | Too Many Requests |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }