Get SQL Runner Query
Implementation Notes
Get a SQL Runner query.
Response Class
SqlQuery {
DBConnectionBase {
Dialect {
Snippet {
UserPublic {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object,
slug (string, read-only): The identifier of the SQL query,
last_runtime (float, read-only): Number of seconds this query took to run the most recent time it was run,
run_count (long, read-only): Number of times this query has been run,
browser_limit (long, read-only): Maximum number of rows this query will display on the SQL Runner page,
sql (string, read-only): SQL query text,
last_run_at (string, read-only): The most recent time this query was run,
connection (DBConnectionBase, read-only): Connection this query uses,
model_name (string, read-only): Model name this query uses,
creator (UserPublic, read-only): User who created this SQL query,
explore_url (string, read-only): Explore page URL for this SQL query,
plaintext (boolean, read-only): Should this query be rendered as plain text,
vis_config (object): Visualization configuration properties. These properties are typically opaque and differ based on the type of visualization used. There is no specified set of allowed keys. The values can be any type supported by JSON. A "type" key with a string value is often present, and is used by Looker to determine which visualization to present. Visualizations ignore unknown vis_config properties.
}DBConnectionBase {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object,
name (string, read-only): Name of the connection. Also used as the unique identifier,
dialect (Dialect, read-only): (Read-only) SQL Dialect details,
snippets (Array[Snippet], read-only): SQL Runner snippets for this connection,
pdts_enabled (boolean, read-only): True if PDTs are enabled on this connection
}Dialect {
name (string, read-only): The name of the dialect,
label (string, read-only): The human-readable label of the connection,
supports_cost_estimate (boolean, read-only): Whether the dialect supports query cost estimates,
cost_estimate_style (string, read-only): How the dialect handles cost estimation,
persistent_table_indexes (string, read-only): PDT index columns,
persistent_table_sortkeys (string, read-only): PDT sortkey columns,
persistent_table_distkey (string, read-only): PDT distkey column,
supports_streaming (boolean, read-only): Suports streaming results,
automatically_run_sql_runner_snippets (boolean, read-only): Should SQL Runner snippets automatically be run,
connection_tests (Array[string], read-only): Array of names of the tests that can be run on a connection using this dialect,
supports_inducer (boolean, read-only): Is supported with the inducer (i.e. generate from sql),
supports_multiple_databases (boolean, read-only): Can multiple databases be accessed from a connection using this dialect,
supports_persistent_derived_tables (boolean, read-only): Whether the dialect supports allowing Looker to build persistent derived tables,
has_ssl_support (boolean, read-only): Does the database have client SSL support settable through the JDBC string explicitly?
}Snippet {
name (string, read-only): Name of the snippet,
label (string, read-only): Label of the snippet,
sql (string, read-only): SQL text of the snippet,
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object
}UserPublic {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object,
id (long, read-only): Unique Id,
first_name (string, read-only): First Name,
last_name (string, read-only): Last Name,
display_name (string, read-only): Full name for display (available only if both first_name and last_name are set),
avatar_url (string, read-only): URL for the avatar image (may be generic),
url (string, read-only): Link to get this item
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
slug | true | slug of query | string | string |
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
Create SQL Runner Query
Implementation Notes
Create a SQL Runner query.
Response Class
SqlQuery {
DBConnectionBase {
Dialect {
Snippet {
UserPublic {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object,
slug (string, read-only): The identifier of the SQL query,
last_runtime (float, read-only): Number of seconds this query took to run the most recent time it was run,
run_count (long, read-only): Number of times this query has been run,
browser_limit (long, read-only): Maximum number of rows this query will display on the SQL Runner page,
sql (string, read-only): SQL query text,
last_run_at (string, read-only): The most recent time this query was run,
connection (DBConnectionBase, read-only): Connection this query uses,
model_name (string, read-only): Model name this query uses,
creator (UserPublic, read-only): User who created this SQL query,
explore_url (string, read-only): Explore page URL for this SQL query,
plaintext (boolean, read-only): Should this query be rendered as plain text,
vis_config (object): Visualization configuration properties. These properties are typically opaque and differ based on the type of visualization used. There is no specified set of allowed keys. The values can be any type supported by JSON. A "type" key with a string value is often present, and is used by Looker to determine which visualization to present. Visualizations ignore unknown vis_config properties.
}DBConnectionBase {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object,
name (string, read-only): Name of the connection. Also used as the unique identifier,
dialect (Dialect, read-only): (Read-only) SQL Dialect details,
snippets (Array[Snippet], read-only): SQL Runner snippets for this connection,
pdts_enabled (boolean, read-only): True if PDTs are enabled on this connection
}Dialect {
name (string, read-only): The name of the dialect,
label (string, read-only): The human-readable label of the connection,
supports_cost_estimate (boolean, read-only): Whether the dialect supports query cost estimates,
cost_estimate_style (string, read-only): How the dialect handles cost estimation,
persistent_table_indexes (string, read-only): PDT index columns,
persistent_table_sortkeys (string, read-only): PDT sortkey columns,
persistent_table_distkey (string, read-only): PDT distkey column,
supports_streaming (boolean, read-only): Suports streaming results,
automatically_run_sql_runner_snippets (boolean, read-only): Should SQL Runner snippets automatically be run,
connection_tests (Array[string], read-only): Array of names of the tests that can be run on a connection using this dialect,
supports_inducer (boolean, read-only): Is supported with the inducer (i.e. generate from sql),
supports_multiple_databases (boolean, read-only): Can multiple databases be accessed from a connection using this dialect,
supports_persistent_derived_tables (boolean, read-only): Whether the dialect supports allowing Looker to build persistent derived tables,
has_ssl_support (boolean, read-only): Does the database have client SSL support settable through the JDBC string explicitly?
}Snippet {
name (string, read-only): Name of the snippet,
label (string, read-only): Label of the snippet,
sql (string, read-only): SQL text of the snippet,
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object
}UserPublic {
can (object, read-only): Operations the current user is able to perform on this object,
id (long, read-only): Unique Id,
first_name (string, read-only): First Name,
last_name (string, read-only): Last Name,
display_name (string, read-only): Full name for display (available only if both first_name and last_name are set),
avatar_url (string, read-only): URL for the avatar image (may be generic),
url (string, read-only): Link to get this item
Parameter | Required? | Description | Parameter Type | Data Type |
body | true | SQL Runner Query | body |
SqlQueryCreate {
connection_name (string): Name of the db connection on which to run this query, connection_id (string): (DEPRECATED) Use connection_name instead,model_name (string): Name of LookML Model (this or connection_id required),sql (string): SQL query, vis_config (object): Visualization configuration properties. These properties are typically opaque and differ based on the type of visualization used. There is no specified set of allowed keys. The values can be any type supported by JSON. A "type" key with a string value is often present, and is used by Looker to determine which visualization to present. Visualizations ignore unknown vis_config properties. }
Response Messages
HTTP Status Code | Reason | Response Model |
400 | Bad Request |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
404 | Not Found |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
409 | Resource Already Exists |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
422 | Validation Error |
ValidationError {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, errors (Array[ValidationErrorDetail], read-only): Error detail array, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }ValidationErrorDetail { field (string, read-only): Field with error, code (string, read-only): Error code, message (string, read-only): Error info message, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }
429 | Too Many Requests |
Error {
message (string, read-only, required): Error details, documentation_url (string, read-only, required): Documentation link }